New Website - after start of Salesforce
hr_integrate e.V.

© hr_integrate
Das machen wir:
hr_integrate supports refugees in Germany in their search for a suitable employment, training or study place. We are a Germany-wide pro bono initiative in which HR professionals (HR managers, HR business partners, HR trainers, ...) and managers mentor refugees on their way to a job.
Dabei brauchen wir Deine Hilfe:
hr_integrate was founded nearly 10 years ago. Due to the switch to Salesforce and having in mind that our website is close to 10 years old, we would like to overwork our website, So, the new website shall reflect the technical requirements of Salesforce and an ‘up to date’ graphical design.
Sieh Dir die vollständige Projektausschreibung an und unterstütze hr_integrate e.V. mit Deinen Fähigkeiten!